Pertama convert pict di bawah ini menggunakan "image to array" / "image to byte"
Setelah itu masukan code hasil convert td ke "Sprite" (sama seperti memunculkan gambar di d3d menu)
Masukan Ramuan nya
class ColorPickClass { public: ColorPickClass() { iPickedR=255; iPickedG=255; iPickedB=255; //iSpriteLeftPos=? //iSpriteTopPos=? //iSpriteWidth=? //iSpriteHeight=? } ~ColorPickClass() { } int iPickedR; int iPickedG; int iPickedB; private: HWND CoD4Handle; HDC CoD4DC; POINT pPoint; RECT wndRect; int iPosX; int iPosY; int iSpriteLeftPos; int iSpriteTopPos; int iSpriteWidth; int iSpriteHeight; void DoColorPicker( ); }; ColorPickClass CColorPick;
lalu panggil fungsi di atas dengan code di bwah ini
(edit & sesuaikan dengan code d3d agan)
void ColorPickClass::DoColorPicker( ) { GetCursorPos( &pPoint ); iPosX = pPoint.x; iPosY = pPoint.y; wndRect.left = iSpriteLeftPos; = iSpriteTopPos; wndRect.right = wndRect.left + iSpriteWidth; wndRect.bottom = + iSpriteHeight; //CoD4Handle = GetForegroundWindow(); CoD4Handle = FindWindow(0, "Call of Duty 4"); CoD4DC = GetDC(CoD4Handle); GetClientRect(CoD4Handle, &wndRect); COLORREF Pixel = GetPixel(CoD4DC, iPosX, iPosY); if (iPosX >= iSpriteLeftPos && iPosX <= (iSpriteLeftPos + iSpriteWidth) && iPosY >= iSpriteTopPos && iPosY <= (iSpriteTopPos + iSpriteHeight) && (GetAsyncKeyState( VK_LBUTTON ) &1==1 )) { iPickedR = GetRValue(pixel); iPickedG = GetGValue(pixel); iPickedB = GetBValue(pixel); } }
Example usage:
wCrosshair( Device, 255, CColorPick.iPickedR, CColorPick.iPickedG, CColorPick.iPickedB );
"Jangan segan untuk bertanya, bila agan kesulitan silahkan tinggalkan komentar di bawah, maka akan saya bantu semaksimal mungkin "